Key Lime Pie

(2-3 cups)
(15-20 cups)

Original price was: $10.96 CAD.Current price is: $5.00 CAD.

What do you think of when you taste a Key Lime? Waves breaking along the coastline of southern Florida? Lazy summer days? Bright sunshine? The limes grown in the Florida Keys are one of the world’s best loved and sweetest citrus fruits. When used as a garnish the juice of the Key Lime will brighten any dish or dessert.

When we started producing our teas it didn’t take us long to try it in this fabulous blend. The tart and acidic qualities of the Key Lime beautifully compliment the astringent qualities of our high grown Ceylon tea. It goes without saying that this is a truly great dessert tea. Brew a pot, sit back and think sunshine.

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