Hangover Helper

(2-3 cups)
(15-20 cups)

Original price was: $10.96 CAD.Current price is: $5.00 CAD.

Last night was so much fun, this morning not so much. Waking up to a pounding feeling in your head and a mouth that’s dryer than the Sahara desert is the not-so-fun part of partying. Hangovers are the worst, but you can help beat that shivering feeling with our Hangover Helper tea. 

In the middle ages, people would eat a breakfast of eel and bitter almonds to cure a hangover. Hangover Helper loose leaf tea is a much better tasting way of kicking that hangover to the curb. This herbal blend has select herbs, spice, and dried vegetables to create a soothing herbal blend with all the vitamins you need to make that hangover vanish.

PS: If you prefer the “hair of the dog” remedy for kicking hangovers, this tea tastes great either hot or iced with a splash of vodka.

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