Endless Summer Sample

(2-3 cups)
(15-20 cups)

Original price was: $1.44 CAD.Current price is: $0.60 CAD.

Endless Summer has a very exotic flavor profile. The delicious blend of tropical fruits and berries, sweet but soft apple characters combined with the natural flavors and tartness of the various dried fruits create a summertime cooler or a wintertime summer reminder.

3 tips for brewing this thirst-quenching blend:

  • For a mental journey to the South Pacific sprinkle in a pinch or two of desiccated coconut as you are brewing the tea and then garnish with a slice of lime.
  • For a trip to the Maldives add a touch of cardamom and garnish with a cinnamon stick.
  • For a good old ‘stay at home with the family’ holiday, make a large pitcher and add half an orange (sliced) when the liquid is hot, steep for 5 minutes, sweeten and then pour over ice in a plastic glass. What you don’t use, pour into popsicle molds creating caffeine free and deliciously healthy popsicles for the younger members of the family clan.

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